ABSTRACTS: These Cities Tried to Tackle Disinvestment. Here Are Lessons from What Happened.
Here are some lessons from cities that adopted innovative strategies to tackle disinvestment and spur development. What actually works? ProPublica…
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UPDATE to Prosper Australia’s Upzoning Windfall Tax Efforts
Congratulations Prosper Australia! In June of this year we posted an article from Prosper Australia making the case for a…
ABSTRACTS: Opportunity Zones Bolster Investors’ Bottom Lines Rather than Economic or Racial Equity
The federal opportunity zones program is supposed to incentivize private investment in designated “distressed” areas through various tax breaks. Evidence…
ABSTRACTS: Universal Basic Income Self-Defeating Unless Funded by Rental Value Capture
Georgist colleague Frank DeJong asserts that the widely discussed Universal Basic Income can eliminate poverty only if the tax burden…
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Land Value Tax in Oregon Primer PDF: Common Ground OR-WA LVT Primer