is working to ensure Oregonians & Washingtonians benefit from their common wealth.
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What would a shift to land value taxation look like in Oregon?
Check out this helpful primer below detailing what a shift to land value tax (LVT) would look like for the people of Oregon.
Intro to LVT
Featured Papers
Study Simulating Land Value Tax
in Multnomah Co.
The Northwest Economic Research Center (NERC) previously released two studies exposing gross inequities in Oregon’s property tax system due to Measures 5 and 50. Following up on these findings, Common Ground OR-WA requested NERC undertake a simulation of a land value tax (LVT) to uncover if the policy would be more equitable and promote efficient land use. See this landmark report.
The Power of Land Value Taxation to
Spur “Missing Middle” Housing
The Oregon Housing Economic Summit in early 2021 concluded that annual housing construction in Oregon needs to increase by over one-third over the next 20 years. No clear consensus emerged from the summit about how to close the gap. Read our complete paper on how to do just that.