ABSTRACTS: Jose Marti and the Future of Cuba as it Might Have Been
If only the Cuban revolution had taken a different course, following the champion for independence Jose Marti. Here’s why Cuba…
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In Memory of: Mason Gaffney, Who Argued for Taxing Only Land, Dies at 96
Mason Gaffney, Who Argued for Taxing Only Land, Dies at 96 July 26, 2020 Excerpt As Mason Gaffney bicycled to…
ORIGINAL PAPER – Public Banking Could Create An Opportunity to Advance Portland City’s Affordability Policies
Original Paper Public Banking Could Create An Opportunity to Advance Portland City’s Affordability Policies A Bank of Oregon Will Provide…
ABSTRACTS: Opinion – My property tax bill came. I’m shaking my head.
Do we Oregonians have the vision to see the taxation monster we’ve created and the courage to repeal Measures —…
IN THE NEWS: A Tax that Would Solve the Housing Crisis?
A Tax that Would Solve the Housing Crisis Eliminate all taxes but a levy on land, said Henry George. Here’s…
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Land Value Tax in Oregon Primer
Land Value Tax in Oregon Primer PDF: Common Ground OR-WA LVT Primer
ABSTRACTS: As California Rents Rise, Where to Live Becomes Monthly Guessing Game
California’s severe housing shortage is driving up rents, leaving many lower-income families struggling to stay in neighborhoods they once could…
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