IN THE NEWS: America Does Tax Wealth, Just Not Very Intelligently (AKA a land tax is a wealth tax)
Slate, Mar 3: You should tax land; that seems quite sound to me. Levying heavy tax rates on land –…
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IN THE NEWS: Towns Need Tax Reform Badly
There are two big problems with our property taxes: they are too high, and too low, notes Ontario Canada’s Barrie…
ABSTRACTS: The UK’s Rigged Land Market – Why British Prosperity is Hobbled by a Rigged Land Market
The Centre for European Reform, Feb 13: Now speculation is rewarded and wealth is concentrated. Land taxes would recover unearned income,…
Websites of Interest
The Geonomy Society www.geonomics.org Common Ground – USA www.groundswellusa.org Common Ground – USA www.commonground-usa.net Center for the Study of Economics…
Financing the Future – Anthony Flint – TEDx
With red-hot real estate markets from New York to San Francisco displacing those of modest means, struggling cities like Detroit…
The Price of Carbon with Reggie Watts
ClimateRealityProject.org – Narrated by Reggie Watts. We are all paying the price of carbon pollution. It’s time to put a…
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