ABSTRACTS: Will Banning Single-Family Zoning Make for More Affordable Homes?
Minneapolis, and now Oregon cities are banning exclusive single-family zoning. Now, we’re asking: will smaller multifamily housing types lead to…
Social Event on Oct. 16: Results of 2019 Portland Land Value Tax Study – “Multifamily Housing is the Big Winner!”
Northwest Economic Research Center has published results of a Portland land value-based property tax study, and we’d like to share…
ABSTRACTS: Leaning on the Land
Millbourne is one of several Pennsylvania cities that changed from and equal rate property tax to a land value tax.…
ABSTRACTS: Subsidies meant for low-income communities are paying for luxury developments
This press report is the latest of a long series of critiques illustrating the abusive use of TIF (tax increment…
ABSTRACTS: Up-zoning Chicago – Impacts of a Zoning Reform on Property Values and Housing Construction
A recent study of up-zonings in Chicago showed that… allowing higher densities increases the market price of existing housing units…
ABSTRACTS: Homelessness in Oregon
The newest report on homelessness in Oregon includes several recommendations to boost housing production. One of these is a split-rate…
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