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Get Involved Become a Member Common Ground Oregon-Washington is one chapter of a national, volunteer-led, advocacy organization, Common Ground USA.…
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Critiques of the Property TaxDownloadable ContentHousingLand Value TaxationOriginal PapersResearchWorking Papers
PRESENTATION: The Power of Land Value Taxation to Spur “Missing Middle” Housing
Presentation: The Power of Land Value Taxation to Spur “Missing Middle” Housing
Northwest Economic Research Center – Land Value Tax Analysis: Simulating the Tax in Multnomah County
Northwest Economic Research Center Land Value Tax Analysis: Simulating the Tax in Multnomah County Peter Hulseman Portland State University Adam…
BriefsCritiques of the Property TaxDownloadable ContentGeneralHousingLand Value TaxationOregon LegislationOregon VoicesOur Legislative ActionResources
Land Value Tax in Oregon Primer
Land Value Tax in Oregon Primer PDF: Common Ground OR-WA LVT Primer
Downloadable ContentLand Value TaxationLegislationOregon LegislationOregon VoicesOur Legislative ActionWashingtonWashington LegislationZoning and Land-Use
Common Ground Oregon-Washington’s 2019 Legislative Session Agenda
Common Ground Oregon-Washington’s 2019 Legislative Session Agenda We promote legislation that conserves the use of land and natural resources for the productive use…
Critiques of the Property TaxDownloadable ContentOregon VoicesOriginal PapersResearchResearch Reports
RESEARCH: Tax Shift Sequential to Land-Based Property Tax System in Salem, Oregon
Tax Shift Sequential to Land-Based Property Tax System in Salem, Oregon Tom Gihring, Ph.D. Housing & Planning Consultant Seattle, Washington…
Revealing the Cost of Property Tax Incentives for Business
Author Timothy Bartik found that state and local governments spent $45 billion on total business tax incentives in 2015. To…
The Real Causes of Home Price Inflation
The Real Causes of Home Price Inflation Tom Gihring Common Ground OR-WA Seattle, Washington November 2000 “A more effective way…
Take a Big Look at Incentive-Based Growth Management
Take a Big Look at Incentive-Based Growth Management Tom Gihring & Kris Nelson Oregon Planners’ Journal November/December 2008 Sorry,…
Financing Transit Station Improvements through Geo-Bonds
Financing Transit Station Improvements through Geo-Bonds Tom Gihring Common Ground OR/WA Seattle, Washington January 2000 “In Washington State, a unique…