Incentive Property Taxation Can Help Prevent Neighborhood Blight
Incentive Property Taxation Can Help Prevent Neighborhood Blight Tom Gihring Common Ground OR/WA Seattle, Washington August 1999 “A property tax…
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Incentive Property Taxation Supports “Main Street” Revitalization
Incentive Property Taxation Supports “Main Street” Revitalization Tom Gihring Common Ground OR/WA Seattle, Washington February 2001 “Many economists have asserted…
Incentive Property Taxation Supports Transit Oriented Development
Incentive Property Taxation Supports Transit Oriented Development Tom Gihring Common Ground OR/WA Seattle, Washington January 2000
Applying Value Capture in the Seattle Region
Applying Value Capture in the Seattle Region Thomas A. Gihring Planning Practice & Research, Vol. 16, Nos. 3/4, August/November 2001
Incentive Taxation as a Growth Management Tool: Effects of Applied Land Value Taxation in Vancouver, Washington
Incentive Taxation as a Growth Management Tool: Effects of Applied Land Value Taxation in Vancouver, Washington Thomas A. Gihring, Ph.D.…
Financing Transit Systems Through Value Capture
Financing Transit Systems Through Value Capture By Jeffery J. Smith, Thomas A. Gihring with Todd Litman Victoria Transport Policy Institute…